Thursday, 15 January 2015


It is not pretty rainbow everywhere. 
There aren't sunshine everyday.
So I smile at all the stupid little things I do.
Life has too much uncertainty and never have anyone taught me so much. 
I write plenty of stories for people but yours had it rough. 
It was dangerous and I thank you for the ride.
Your pages would remain in my book,
For as long as it can stay.

Little people little stories. xoxo.

超幸福的我想跟你對不起 你我都有錯滴 #搖搖搖 #我在幹嘛 #時間太貴啦 #放下放下靠自己 #我肯定不是第一个 #豬頭好朋友 #太愛你 #你唉太多了 #男生果然不會攤開來講 #是誰講全部東西很簡單 #逼我長大那我也逼你長大 #24 #從來都是一個人很好 #你着急我着火 #毁了我有盡力了 #是不是信息比較好 #你不回那我咋辦 #算了吧反正新年新希望 #😭為啥不夠豁達 #和你交朋友就要談這些事 #試過太多定位啦 #刪除鍵無效 #討厭你失效 #喜歡你當機 #就大咧咧愛你吧  #我要婚宴請柬 #友愛沒那麼深過 #是被你嚇走的 I was differentiating gratitude and love. Then maybe should switch to Chinese thinking.  Then Malaysian thinking. Yes it took so long. Yes my brain work this way.  #ihategrey #messedupplatonic #youstartedtheambiguity  #ihatehowtiringbeingyourfriend #itwasworsebeingstranger #lifetooshort #ifthisdoesntwork #atleastitried

I had to guess the Malaysian thinking because it was too long ago and it was new and it was fun. And then I asked my friends and everyone told me I wasn't overthinking. But I had to tell myself there is two sides of the story. After a while everyone around me deemed it is just hurting me and my growth but I trusted you so much. Unbelievable. #iwentawayfirstinstancebecauseofyou #whatthehellwasyoucomingbackbecauseofme #iwantedtoreturnforyousincedayone #NofurtherstorySoifindexcusesforyou #ineverthoughtofyouflyingback #whydidiwenttoyourcity #whyaminotintroducedtoyourgirlfriend #WhythepuppyWHY #whyemotionalleakage #yousoundedlikeyouhaveaproblemnobodycanhelp #iwishyouallthebestinit  #iamreallysimpleyouscaredme #youchanged #MORALITY You didn't explained further you didn't need to. I am a good friend and I trust and respect you. But you messed up my mind too much for too long. I owned up to it now that I have served my time. #wearenottravellingtogether  #younevercalled #worsttextingbuddy #youbastardkepttoomanysecrets  #itsnotimportantanymore  #MORALITY #ididnttakephotosforminimalmemories #Whydidyouwakemeforlifepartner #whateverthankyou #itshumannature 

Welcoming a new year with a new heart. It was a pretty scenery. Social cues warned me I might be pestering you but I am doing this for myself. I am a girl I need this. Wahahaha my closure. I need growth. Lets pray I won't delete this too soon. Yes I trust morality love and social norms. #clearingsocialdebts #toomanybiglifedecisions #changeisforthebetter #lifelearner #blessings #greatfriendscrossmountains #MORALITY

I spent the year hating myself. #morality I never think less of you in relationship matters. In hurting people. But you did. I am thankful but I can't forget you. I have no right to your status but I can't blame you. I am listing your faults but I can't hate you. And I don't make mistake with taken man so much it shattered me. It doesn't even hurt that much you disliked me. I knew I was in deep trouble missing you the most. You stole my Adelaide. This kind of bonding. Hell of a ride. 

#trustnomore #everymanforhimself #wallisgood

Never hold a man to his words. He isn't worth it no matter how great he was. He doesn't have the courage to owned up he is not worth it. Be confident my girl. Live a merry life. You are responsible for your own life. you are a star and will live a great life. 

我好想那个好朋友 那个我为了他离开的好朋友 那个让我不知道怎么办的好朋友 那个决定跟我保持距离的好朋友 那个让我错得离谱的好朋友 那个我很爱的好朋友 那个不擅沟通却抓住我心的好朋友 那个教了我好多的好朋友 因为我爱你很深 你回来吓死我了 你不说我说 我是很珍惜我们的缘分的 我是很真心的 不悦是真的 因为你的处理是真糟糕的 轻描淡写说感情是很简单的 你又怎么这样呢 男人哪 说话可真别当回事 这情分能说断就断 呵

我知道我为爱很勇敢很坚强 很真 我的道德感的强烈 很美 我情愿这是场单恋 很悲 如果是一场没有如果的如果 男人口说无蓝 真的别执着 没有越过那坎 就去别村吧 =) 天下好男人很多很多 反正这场人生历练是早有预感的劫难 #摇摇摇 

You had been a major distraction for the whole 2014. I am able to shut you off. I will love you like I love life, like I love everyone that had made into my life thus far. I know I am not ready for the next heartbreak. Though I had walked through one anyhow. I had to grow extra length of nerves to belittle you. To think that guys are easy looking for affairs, are not respectful of feelings, are just playing the field until looking to settle down. Just empty reasons to forgo. To let go. To remember the moments that are not right. To put a smile back to my heart. Just a mistake. And forgiving myself, with such pricey settlement. Cheers. You effing wake me up from something I suppressed for a long while. But this year, I gaining back my focus and compartmentalization. Your column shall remain shut. 

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