Saturday, 10 January 2015

身体很热 睡不着

回忆太多 太可怕
别疼惜 别掉进回忆漩涡

曾经男孩对我说 生活很简单 别想得太复杂
曾经女孩对我说 一个人那么坚强 好辛苦
我说 每天问题那么多 能应对的就直接来了

I am sorry for messing up. 
I am always on the brink of my tears and there are too many things I can't talk about. 
Too many dirty laundry. 
I lived my life trying to not have it holding me back.
You are the only person right now I can't bear to lose. 
I don't need to lose. 
But I have to keep telling myself, it is alright and stop being so stubborn. 
You have helped a lot and I need to figured out the rest myself. 
Positivity. Do good. Say good things.
Love deeply, love passionately, 
Don't give up. 
I moved to not be the one seeing you in the same city, in the grey territory. 
I know I love you all so willingly, and not crossing that line would be a calming treasure.
All the while I wished you all the best. And I mend my heart for myself.
Time would heal. It's a good thing. I bathed in all the things I learnt from you, trying to live as simply and happy as possible. 
You were a blessing. And still are. That's the beauty of friendship.
It's all in my mind. I have been through this before. 
I just missed him and want to hold on to something good,
Nothing wrong with that. But he is not good for the bigger picture.
It is doing both of us a favour. I need to concentrate on my career. 
I need to help myself. I am capable and very strong. 
I have to fight the urge to apologise. It doesn't makethings right. Or it's not time yet.
It's okay babe. 


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