Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Just be Twenty-three

Is it just me but it feels like you know the answer to everything?
Is it just me but it feels safe and warm around you?
Is it just me but it feels okay to confide anything with you?
Why is there such a pull to trust so much in you, even when my head says no.
Why is there such a button that switched on and off all the time around you, even till my heart feel so.
I don't know what is this. I really don't.
I need you. You come by at a really good time.
I don't know what to do.
To suppress or embrace.
To accept or let go.
But I know you are someone I treasure.
Because you are true.
At least I feel so.

I feel shaken by the lost of a high school friend and your face just float up to my mind.
That I wish to run to you and just want to hear what you have to say.
But I suppress it. Because I feel like I needed you. I know I can do it myself.
This time I dealt with it. I acknowledged it. I get past it.
I know it is hard to accept an early death. Being gone so young.
A lot of times and attitude of life to be reflected upon.
Have I done enough. Have I helped enough people.
Have I shared my experience and love around.
I know about  coping mechanism. I know everyone can do it differently.
There is no easy way out. But it could be better, with someone to talk to.
Reach out. People do care. These words are so important but it's funny how is not being said enough.
Love deeply, compassionately. Do everything you can to give help and create goodness.

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