Thursday, 25 October 2012

always always in my mind, affecting me in my every decision. you are. really here.

i couldn't say i couldn't live without ___________
be it anything.. anyone.. any any any reasons...
because it's far too sensitive.. and not true..
you would get over it somewhere.. sometime.. somehow..
it may be devastating from time to time
but life rolls on and you just have to get on with it
there is never the right answer in how you should behave or deal with it
there is never any indication on how many years it would take for a pain so deep
because there is noone's fault
nothing to be blamed on
nothing.. noone...
it may hurts you can talk to noone about it
you can't spill it like just a random part of you
but you would get on and just live with it
it's just not true.
so i wouldn't say. i couldn't live without ____________.
i am really thankful
for everyone that is here.
in my heart.
for my being.
i would love you, till the end of the time.
because i learn. even if i can't take the pain, it would still hurt and torment me.
till i realise, it's time to get up and face the punches again.
regrets are things that could never be changed again.
thus i live my life to achieve all the things i want with all my might.
i love you and this is all that counts.

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