1. Get a job
2. Learn a skill
3. Get improvement every single day and blog it
4. No wasting time
5. Weekly budgeting
6. Go out and meet new people every week. Don talk to weird strangers
7. Exercise every day
8. Limit to two hours entertainment a day
9. Stay positive and believe in myself
10. I build my own life and write my own story. Be happy doing it.
Recording all the perfects and imperfects, and they all are my perfect moments, makes life worth living. I love you. Simple words that means the world. =)
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
New year resolution 2015
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Leaving my favorite city
You made me forget about sad and depression. And reminded me to celebrate life. To use my ability to give, to love, to grow. And that I have the ability to have dreams and work towards them. And have more dreams and to be better. You are a great man. And would continue to be. I know it from the first time we met. XXOO
Totally know the reason I cried out why did you come back here. And moved away abruptly. Even though it hurts so much back then. Same country is pretty unbearable. Same city? It takes this long till we are finally on the same page. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Because everything is simple. s I M P L e
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Education and training
Self motivation:
Can you do it - behavior
Will it work - training
Is it worth it - consequences
Self motivated for worthwhile work
Feel competent
Choice, anatomy, self motivation
Controlled by consequences
Positive reinforcement
BecomebSuccess seeker and not failure avoidance
Whenever you get overwhelmed, break it down.
We can always learn from each other. Have the humility, it's community and we need each other.
Mindfulness - how you communicate to yourself is how to others
Community, social support, sense of relatedness
Training and feedback
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Jan to Kk. Hx to miri.
Feb 3 to Singapore Adelaide.
March 18 to Perth.
April interview.
May mum to Perth.
June move out.
July at jacinta. Camp.
August till early Nov travel to Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, KL, Hk, Macau, Taiwan, Albany, Melbourne, Adelaide, Monkey Mia, Perth.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
很爱你 就幸福了
Friday, 10 October 2014
寧願自己承受 也不願愛的人傷心
Mum knows. Mum always knows.
能夠認識你是我的福氣 畏懼你只因我越來越信任你 敢賴你是因為你的可靠大氣 離開就因為怕自己會深陷 無法接受自己買房壓力第一想傾訴的竟是你 生活就這樣 感恩 反正現在還說不說話也沒差了 祝願你一切順利啦
Even though he seems to be the perfect fit, stop being foolish he isn't yours.
Monday, 28 July 2014
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Business degree
As long as it is a bumpy road I know I am still moving forward
Cracking at pressure point
Don't know what I do this for
Didn't get a prestigious uni or degree
When I totally able to
Just blindly moving forward
Horror and amazement
麻痺 辜負青春
Monday, 21 July 2014
Can't find a bag that speaks me
Can't find one that I need
That says semi formal
Not too formal
And not too casual
It's only a bag
But i can't find one that match
Oh woman
Feel like I Don fit in anywhere
So it will be the same anyway
It is always up to myself to make the most of it
I do care, but apparently you dont
Best thing you know to do
Be the person who knows it all and what is the best
And hurt someone all along the way
Be it the person hurting or the victim
We would all survive
Not everybody can understand the way I go for best friends
You can be a heated everything for one period of time
I don't mind because
I am just doing your time.
Saturday, 19 July 2014
You should have told me not to hand you the knife to my heart but now you become an episode in my life. I miss you to core. A sign of machoism that you know what is the best to do. Fine. Go on. I can always ljve.
I am really lucky and happy that you are never an option. At least you made it clear to me that I am not ready to have another important soul into my life. To love, my infinity of life.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
I expressed what is sinking me. Because it is a relief. And ease the weigh in my chest. Past has gone so there is no point dwelling. Be clear on the future and work towards the life that I want and live. Because feelings is a big trigger for a healthy happy life. Food, exercise and sleep.
I can feel my heart sink so deep
I have got many many regrets so profound for my univee times. I should have gone with my guts and my first instinct instead of listened to others. It's true to follow my inner voice instead of letting others to second guess me. 堅持自己的信念 不被旁人左右。housing is the most important thing I need. And I could have had a more stable backbone. Could have bought an apartment four years ago, or rented the student accommodation two years back. Two years of less than satisfying lifestyle had cost me a lot. Regrets not, I just want to be in control of my own life now, and chase back what I have lost. Work hard.
Monday, 14 July 2014
I made a giant wrong investment mistake when I was nineteen. A wrong call for years after that. Ignorant. Worst mistake.
Now that I'm here, the place I knew I would be, in deep regrets and sadness, hating the possibility of what ifs. The world would be so different then.
就更加鐵了心 要相信自己判斷 不全聽旁人打算
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Questions I wish to discuss with you but I have to do it by myself
Moving here. Buy house, buy in Melbourne or at home. Money.Car.
Oh well. I'm not that great a friend either.
Millions of things to work on my own.
Saturday, 5 July 2014
What the heck right why I have to get over you dumbo
因為對我來說 在茫茫人海中找個知心朋友很不容易 還忘不了你 我就把心的一角割了 I don't understand why I need to get over a friendship. Aren't you already grown up? Maybe I'm the child. I have to call a stop because I have to stop hurting. I did my best under all circumstances. I am blaming everything on you to make myself feel better. You won't get hurt anyways. #caretoomuch #過客 不是我不懂人情 是你不懂人生。我諒解。我預想你的顧慮。我不值得你的溝通,我也就冷靜淡定吧。
I have pulled myself to new environment many times. I am resilient and independent. I am strong and amazing. You would become nothing. As long as I made up mind. Trust me. I have been through a lot. And ready for a lot more to come. It was an interesting page. I am done hurting myself.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Blog my safe heaven
我呢交朋友向來不敢太認真 不敢太用心 不敢太真 完全不敢依賴 完全沒有信心 無言哪 無言 飄走吧 #imissyou #blind Why do I have to get over a friendship I treasure so dearly? Why do you want to make it all meaningless encounters just like all others? #ithoughtyouknowbetter #youshouldknowbetter #youwouldsighatthis #youshouldknowbetter #mylifeisallaboutme
#Perth #night #friend #life I do take good care of myself
Go to the airport with a bank card and passport. But I have no destination. No where to go. Have you got this feeling?
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
每一年要過的怎麼樣 是我自己定制的
因為你先到達終點 我要花很大精力去消化
而我先到達終點 我會不捨得你去經歷那場痛
所以我幼稚 一直只想輕如鴻毛
什麼也不帶走 什麼也不留下
只是現在我想 能盡我所能 幫助及影響這個世界
今年姐姐須要我 我就飛來築個家
你是很美好的 我就肯定自己全心在祝福你時和你交心了
我是明白的 我決定去的地方是當下最好的選擇 未來能聚集的日子能有多少 誰知曉
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
The week I lost my mind and keep ramblings on and on
I usually don't talk about my problems. But when I find that all I have is problems, I think about it a lot. I should not. And should focus on the method I can still control in my life. And positive changes
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
#raw #haunting #numb
I love waking up in the morning. It means I am Alice. I get to choose what today is going to be like for me. What I want to do with my life. Who I let into my day. It is a good feeling. I am on the path of making everyday better. For me and everyone else.
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Shit getting serious
With all the pent up energy stored within
How to get a good night sleep tonight.
Monday, 26 May 2014
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Life purpose. Target
This one person, feels like he doesn't know anything about me, yet feels like he knows everything. You set the standards too high now. And I would have to grow a lot more to the strength to be comfortable with myself and compatible to my partner. You made me a target. I knew it wasn't the best idea since the first time we spoke.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Different types of people
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
How would I find a stronger connection to someone other than you. I have my whole life to figure it out. After I got my life settled. You are a blessing. Forced and sped up my growth and standards. Thankful and appreciate. Every single thing.
I never started finding. Coz I am not even convinced that I am someone I can be yet. I just have to do my own thing. Love life as it is.
Monday, 19 May 2014
This is bad
I hate to hate myself for complaining. Because I know this is counter productive. I am making changes. I need to be more persistent. I have decided to take control of my life. I am mapping out what my next twenty years are going to look like. And job does not equal life. So heaven knows I am making progress in all the other million things in life.
Monday, 12 May 2014
You are a pig.
I'm so angry at you that I can't think of anything nice to say
I have given too much effort to let go of this friendship that it seems impossible.
Maybe it's time now. You ain't worth it..
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Loving you is like a free fall.
It takes courage and confidence.
I am holding tight to the plank, against your energy force.
It is a stressful position and I dono how long can I keep still, getting ready to run away to the other direction.
Time and EQ. I am forcing an unavoidable growth.
Friday, 9 May 2014
I hardly watch movies.
I don't follow a lot of dramas.
I don't know all the latest songs and fashion trends.
I don't want to do a lot of these alone.
Because I am aware that my choices would lead me to who I become.
And yes I would be nice and friendly. But you willl know it when I let you go into my heart.
It is still breakable. Because we are all vulnerable. To the changes around us.
莫忘初心。 情願一輩子當個好人。善良的人。 因為現在受傷了也要對自己有個交代。 要一輩子的開開心心。 不停不停的學習。
I am just this bit less fragile. And this bit less driving ppl away. And attracts a deeper connection. My circles is a treasure. Of the best people in life.
Now, I admit, my heart bleeds a little at the thought of you. I never want you here. Just like you never thought of having me there. I am still the stubborn black and white in this. It is exhausting but intoxicating. And you make me wonder, whom my next one will be like. Seriously, you made me brutally honest. I might have changed you in some ways but your influence on me is really supreme. Maturity? Maybe.
Keeping in touch with you keep me sane. I don't know. I am mostly intimidated and felt feared. It hurts to miss you. And it is now impossible to forget you. I need to be working to get over you. Keeping really busy and full living. Refuse to be any pathetic. Seriously are you like sane? I think in my short term view you are. +.+
Conscious mind. Be sensible.
I am pretty amazed by the internet and my stalking ability. But I know this is just temporary and doing this will only hurt myself for a while. My heart still stings a little every time I saw your name. I trying to numb myself. Just jump the leap. Even if it bleeds a little. It is the only way.
What life taught you.
I would rather have my life be falling apart and let myself pick it up again. Rather than having someone walk over my heart and left it broken there waiting for another trying to heal it. I will deal with it myself. Even when it seems impossible.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Oh man
Thursday, 1 May 2014
I feel so crashed and tired
I just want to lean on anyone's shoulder
And feel comfortable and safe
Been to the side of lonesome and peace
Love it enjoy it dearly
But relationship ties people
Is like human nature
Somehow it is the one that would make life more worthwhile
It is quite a different world
Don you just love over complicated
Eurgh simple simple simple it
Monday, 28 April 2014
How to survive after an accident
How knowing you have the power of choices give you freedom
Why I choose not to watch movie - people picturing heroes but I pictured grief
Every single step I overcome is like a replay
可能是我不怕死 就不願意讓人愛或擔心
在低潮時也很樂觀 因為只有一直變好的可能
忍啊忍 尊重敬仰
Sunday, 27 April 2014
是心態 還是人為
You pretty much representing the males our age
那一段相信的時間 是一種奢侈吧
只要不懂累 不會喊停
其他的 太複雜了
超級感謝 你開了一點窗
或許 this is my defense system that I shouldn't worry about. I am adapting into adulthood.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Thursday, 17 April 2014
做人嘛 要对得起自己。什么没牺牲过,对自己好一点。你呀,有缘就十年后见 吧。
Monday, 14 April 2014
High school drama
I know that I need to apologize for the actions I took words I said however long before as long as I have hurt people. Part of me still stubborn. I passed death and woke up feeling like I have no friends to count on. I had no numbers to call no letters to write. I woke up at a teenage thinking why am I still alive. I know I have to work through coz it is for my father,mother,brother and sisters. Days just gone by and now I know I just wanted to survive it. I thought all I did before that were wrong leading me to have noone to hold on to. Those were the days I pretended to be someone I am not. Made awful lots of mistakes didn't know anyone to trust or who would have listened. I din think I am the only one with problems so why burden others with mine. The less misfortune the better. I am not ready at that age, din think anyone would be. It made me very unhappy on the inside but tried hard to ignore it, not dealing with it. So I made mistakes, became a character that I vividly remember. I lived in my own world. I don't want to say sorry for speaking the truth and what I felt at that time. I remember this mistake clearly. Who am I to judge others when I was a wreck. One day I might feel sorry. But who says sorry to me for the one I lost, things I missed, happiness I feared when I needed it the most. I love people I am sorry I didn't know how and who to open up. I took wrong turns and left it behind. I blamed myself for everything and took me almost my whole life not to be consumed. I looked back and feel happy to have lived it. Though I still need the courage and strength to mend a scar that I can't heal alone. I appreciate everything and everyone, keeping it simple and happy. 都活著,不用留遺憾的。
Sunday, 13 April 2014
Post travel. Being truthful to myself. I am super happy
Finally the time, the person and the connection. Super happy
我的生活 就是美美的 每天开开心心
未来不用烦 该来的就会来的
我有大愛 大幸福
有夢 有追求 有快樂
平心而論 我很愛我的步調
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Thursday, 27 March 2014
One said one thought
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Time traveller's wife
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Adelaide 我满满的思念
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Thursday, 27 February 2014
there is no attachment. it is like i can just be gone. just like this.
uni comes to an end. and this empty period is suffocating.
finding a job. there is a rush.
it becomes a restraint? maybe not.
i like the market and the people and what's not.
things change all the time. there are like millions of things always going on.
keep up keep up. twenty-three.
bugging me so much but i am really glad that you woke me up.
such harsh yet such gentle awakening.
i am gonna miss you deeply.
isn't this fun.
oh people.