Tuesday, 10 December 2013

🎓毕业 • 下一站

人们说 在澳洲一年能赚的钱 是祖国的三倍
那我来这里花费了四年 也花了祖国的三倍

知道了多一些 见识广一些 
想要的多一些 能得到的也多一些

今天要开心 要快乐 要尽心 要如意 
没有复杂情绪 没有负能量 因为这些一年后都不重要了 

正能量的原则 就是不提伤心事 只是忙着实现提高自己价值的步伐
所有的问题都不是问题 只要找解决方案就行了 
所有的困难都不难 只要开始就行了

坚持做自己 努力学习 进步
认识人 认识自己

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Be positive

Writing is good. It entices thoughts and reflection on the past. As I write I would think about the ideas more thoroughly and expand my knowledge. It is a practice that would be training my brain, exercising my memory span and be more present in life.

Reading is good. There are so many things that is written knowledge. I am interested in many blogs and with the world wide web almost all information are readily accessible. I know there are always some things between the lines that need to be filled up and I would be an entrepreneur to fill in that blank.

Being positive would bring the utmost spirit. Past is good. though it is the positive energy derived from it that really counts. A lot of media attention is given to the negative impacts that is affecting the world though the good are not that commonly addressed. This is probably because we need more people to know about the injustices or sorrow story so that we can help, or we can do something for these situations. Maybe one day, after we all got so sad that the world is a miserable place, then the positives would be making the headlines.

Friday, 18 October 2013

On the verge of breaking down

I am not a powerful woman. I have to gather all my strength to focus on a singular thing. I believe that practices would become habits and would then allow me to stay on track. I need the self discipline self awareness and self management to control my mind. I don't want to get sidetracked so easily. I want to do the things that I know I should do. I don't have energy and time and the emotional strength to waste. It makes me feel good to hear someone said it's okay, I am doing fine. It makes me almost cry to have anyone say keep it up. You are the happiest girl I know and have always been the positive minded person. I heard it from the close friends that I have and I did not know that I portray this kind of character. I feel that I have all these dark times and thoughts that I totally understand is negative and unproductive. I hide it deep inside me, letting it build up, and keep me distracted from time to time. I know I need an outlet for these. I shut it down when I felt that it is disturbing me. Or I chuck it in a diary or in words some where. I can express these going on and on. BUT there is part of me that stopped me from doing so. Firstly it is not helping anybody. it is unproductive, and my blog is not visited by a wide pool of audience. Maybe there are others who feel the same way, which I would never know. but i don think writing here help anyone. so i stopped. that's why my blog is inconsistent. I tend to only come by here when i felt down and need to clear some space in my head. 

I do not have good memory. I forget almost anything and everything. I do not know how did I get through my exams and classes. It is really bad this year. I don't seem to be interested or understanding in anything the courses are about. I don't seem to be attached to anyone or anything that is going on in my life. I felt like there is no commitment. and i am so free that it is scary. i don't know how would i be when i get out to the graduate position next year. i am so unsure of myself. i don't want to lose sight of what I can do and who I am. Getting lost in this dark end is really scary. I don't know how long is this dark alley and where is the end. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013



Wednesday, 25 September 2013

it's not okay. recognize it.

things are not okay. whatever other people say, sweet talking, making you feel good. 
you know it, and you have to take action, make changes, start and kick off the old habits. 
there is no end for those dark nights crying over the negativity, no help, no solution, and really, nobody likes it. 
take the action to change the situation. you know what to do. so be on the right track and do it. 
what you put out there is who you are, what people would learn about you. 
be who you want to be, and don just think about it. 
start doing things. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013



Tuesday, 17 September 2013

相信自己 开始行动




Wednesday, 11 September 2013

林靖雨-寫的是夏天 有些歌適合聽,卻不適合唱。有些人依然留戀,卻不敢想念。 有些故事沒有結局,卻不覺得可惜; 有些回憶無法忘記,只能放在心底。

Entertainment news from Perthnow.com.au

Taylor Swift is demonstrating how to sustain stardom and effectively navigate into adulthood. Sure, she has made some dubious choices in boyfriends, but aside from that her career - we met her at 16 and she'll turn 24 in December - has been exemplary.
Here are some things we've learned from her approach.
1) Write from your age and experience: No young artist in the history of popular music has been more effective at writing songs reflecting what it's like to be her age. Witness her songs Fifteen and 22. This isn't Carly Rae Jepsen, at 27, writing Call Me Maybe as if she's 17.
2) Work with collaborators who will help you grow: She's been writing songs since she was 12. But after she moved to Nashville and signed a record deal at 14, she worked with various professional Nashville co-writers. When she decided to go in a more concerted pop direction for last year'sRed album, she turned to experienced popmeisters, including Max Martin (Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, Pink, Ke$ha) and Dan Wilson (Adele, Pink).
3) Be who you are: Her songs ring true because they are her ideas and her stories; the pros just help edit her ideas. She hasn't tried to grow up too fast - though she has dated older guys - so her fans can still relate to her.
Swift dated John Mayer in 2009/10. Picture: Supplied
Swift dated John Mayer in 2009/10. Picture: Supplied Source: AP
4) Do your homework and be prepared: When she hosted Saturday Night Live in 2009, she showed up with a long list of ideas for sketches. And when she appeared on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon that week, she spent all of her time quizzing him about SNL.
5) Be fearless: It's not just the title of her second album; it's her approach to life. The first time she performed in the Twin Cities, she hit the stage solo, playing an acoustic guitar version of rapper Eminem's Lose Yourself. Since then, she has rapped with T-Pain in a video and performed with an unlikely list of stars including the Rolling Stones, Stevie Nicks, Ellie Goulding, Carly Simon, Def Leppard and the Civil Wars. She's even talking about starring in a biopic of Joni Mitchell.
Taylor Swift performs with special guest Jennifer Lopez in LA. Getty Images
Taylor Swift performs with special guest Jennifer Lopez in LA. Getty Images Source: Getty Images
6) Make time for fans: What other superstar does four meet-and-greets with fans at each concert? Not to mention all the tweeting, blogging and Facebook postings. When she announced her Red album last year, she did it with a webcast surrounded by a gaggle of fans. She knows where her bread is buttered.
Swift poses with fans at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. AP Photo/The Canadian Press
Swift poses with fans at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. AP Photo/The Canadian PressSource: AP
7) Work hard: Since 2006, she has released four studio albums, three live albums, three EPs and 30 music video clips; undertaken three headlining world tours encompassing 278 concerts (after three years of opening concerts for other stars); appeared in four movies and four TV shows, and given countless interviews. She writes or co-writes her own songs - 67 for her four studio discs.
Kanye West rudely upstages Swift during the 2009 MTV VMA's. Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images
Kanye West rudely upstages Swift during the 2009 MTV VMA’s. Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images Source: Getty Images
8) Don't be a puppet: Be involved in decision-making. She's a visionary, thinking of everything from music video concepts while she's writing the song, to how to assemble her touring show, to marketing her third perfume. On herRed album, she was listed as "creative director." She is actually her own manager, though a "tour manager" does a lot of heavy lifting and dirty work under her direction.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

beachhouse by james peterson

pictures will become photographs.We cannot choose where we come from but we can choose where we go from there.

i feel like i don deserve a rest. had been so down and defeated lately. achieved nothing. a vicious cycle. can't live like this. meaningless. it is so unfulfilling that i hate myself.

sometimes you have to congratulate me, for being happy today.

you learn to shut off things after it kept bothering you long enough.
it becomes a practice.
worries, shut off.
dark places, shut off.
useless tantrums, shut off.
resentment, shutoff.
basically anything negative and unproductive, shut off.
type it out, express it, shut off.
nobody cares of what you think and how you are, just do your things and shut off.

i try to tell myself, there is a lot of misfits, and don be too hard on yourself.
just be who you are, who you want to be, and you will be alright.
just to be sure of what you want and want to achieve. it is that simple.
nothing complicated.

things i hate

i am bad in presentation. i read through it and had my eyes glued to the paper.
i hate nightmares. insomnia in general. or even dreams. i felt like i had a long exercise through night.
i hate lies. or broken promises. i hate that people are not taking me seriously. i am looking at things to change the perspective people have on me. i want to earn people's respect. i have to add value to myself.
i hate i procrastinate. this bring myself down. i have got tonnes of things to do and i choose to ignore them. this is absolutely pulling me back. and i hate that i do it so often it takes away a big chuck of my time.
if i hate enough, i would start to make changes. it is simple steps. just have to get started.
regularity is good. it gives comfort and therapy. so i would have to go to bed at 12am every night and wake up in the morning. it would greatly enhance my sense of being.




Tuesday, 27 August 2013


 有时候 为对人性失望的

Saturday, 24 August 2013

How to be a quiet person:determination, self confidence, creativity

 Google really has all the answer. and I just pop this question out after talking for two days. 

Are you tired of talking ALL the time? Some people just can't help it, but this article will give you a great start on how to: not just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, not argue as much, and become at a state of mental peace.

Practice thinking about things before you even say them.
Never interrupt people Interrupting is just rude and gets on everyone's nerves. If you have something to say and someone else is talking, go ahead and think about what you want to say until the others are done talking. This is a good way to involve thinking things through in your every day life.

Get a good, time consuming hobby. A hobby will keep your mind occupied instead of your mouth. Some examples of perfect hobbies for this are: reading, drawing, and music. Any hobby will work, but it will only work if you keep your mind focused on it.

Ask someone else to explain their story before you give yours. That way you are maintaining a quiet persona and showing you have a polite and kind appeal

Release any pent-up energy you may have. Don't button yourself up all the time just because you're quiet. Get out and exercise to release your energy. Find places where you feel comfortable and do your favorite activities. Go for a run, walk your dog, write a song, or just relax and enjoy a movie. The point is to continue to be yourself and enjoy who you are on the inside, no matter how much you talk or how informative you are. This will help create balance in your life between the moments of keeping quiet and the moments of letting yourself be loud. If there is an imbalance, you can get angry, anxious, and irritated.

Use manners. Manners are an important way to help us stop and think about the context of our behavior. Think about whether or not being noisy is being considerate of others' needs. Places such as libraries, theaters, exam rooms, etc. are obvious places where we should keep our voices down. Think about other less obvious situations, such as a restaurant, when someone else is talking, in the car, etc. and see if you can be quieter than normal. When you use your manners, you show respect and benevolence to the other party.

Quiet people are seen as intellectual, informative, wise, and erudite. Take your time with your responses and think of something helpful or insightful that will contribute to the conversation in a positive way.

Do you know why you made the decision to be quiet and reserved? Many people are quiet for different reasons. One of the main ones would be to concentrate on their lives.

To be a quiet person doesn't necessarily mean you are lonely, or devoted to work or that you don't have many friends. It may just mean that you are a gentle person with a gentle spirit and a calm attitude to life.

Promote your quietness. Not in a way that you tell the world you are a quiet and reserved person, but in a way to ensure that people take you seriously.

Determine your level of reservation. Are you a quiet person who enjoys reading and writing? Are you a quiet person who is well organized and seems to make lists for everything?

Being quiet isn't a look but a choice. All that it means is that you may not want or like to be noticed.

Diaries are great to write what you feel and to put your thoughts into writing without expressing them to others.

Try to shorten the things you want to say.
Always have a smirk or closed-mouth smile, it makes you look more mysterious, as if you know something that they do not know.
Be serious.Do your homework, go to work on time, etc. Being more serious about stuff is good.

Stay quiet...don't talk at every opportunity.This shows people you know when to talk and when you do, you have something important to say. Don't stop talking altogether though.

Wear deep purples, black, deep reds, forest greens, anything with a dark flair. Pair your outfit with feminine things like long vintage necklaces, beaded black and purple earrings. Wear shorter skirts with fishnet stockings and colored tights. This is a really cool look.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


有些记忆和印象 是怎么也抹不掉的 
所以要尽力保护自己 知识财产 别轻易丢了
人是自私的 会拉你一把的人真的不多 
遇到了就是贵人 很感激 要有所表示
批评的人是会有的 可除了化为动力
了解自己 挑战自己
只要有了开始 就难得那一步已经过了
坚持下去 不被干扰 就能成事了
专心 有条理 就能达成目标了。

没有人会为你负责的 也不会有另外一人在乎你的进步
只有你 只能靠自己 作了选择 就敞开心胸开始作下去
路 是自己的。 

Monday, 5 August 2013



Wednesday, 24 July 2013

13 weeks of studies. Time would pass really quickly.

fighting the urge to leave the city and never come back. counting down to 24 Dec 2013.


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Skeptical - we are all just finding a place in this world. why worry?

it takes perseverance. it takes courage. it takes luck and faith. why am i so fucked up with moving house all the time. it's so annoying. i didn't talk to friends anymore. i am not spilling my problems to my friends. because it makes me feel like i am bothering them with petty musings. and not that they can help me solve my problems. but when everything get stuffed in my head i end up accomplishing nothing. i am not the type of person who can do things alone. at least not yet. i set goals. but without the right motivation and time limit they are all going down the drain. this is just how my winter holiday has gone by. i am disappointed with myself. not to the end of i worth nothing. though i was kept reminded of how friendless i am, how i actually mistrust everyone i know, that anyone who care and would be there when things don't go the way they should be. after some wallowing in the negative department, i forced myself to cheer up and think positively. being negative is just pulling me back and doesn't do any good. oh yes it does and always have make me appreciate and treasure the happiness and gatherings that are becoming harder and harder to come by. but overall, i would prefer the positive state of mind. i had mapped out the priority tasks that was going on in my life early this year to help me concentrate and get control of myself, to feel less being pulled apart by the phases of life and things that are going on around me. life however doesn't have a definite right answer and the human brain is a sacred place. now, i feel like i can mapped out my brain with different 'emotions'. like 'must-do no matter how i feel' 'positive thinking' 'happiness' 'appreciation' 'sad places' 'don ask' and more.. when i realized i am dwelling into negative emotions, i tell myself to stop. and stop and just forget it. it is not productive and not going anywhere. maybe it is living by myself. maybe it is not getting emotionally attached with anyone. not having passion or drive in anything. other than just achieving what is needed to be done in studies. sometimes i do feel like a loner but getting used to it and being busy just drive out all of the negativity. like i mentioned before, you would never miss anything you never have. maybe it's a bit of the extreme but that seems to have helped me to get on with life this past 1.5 year. even though this had worked for me, and mind you, it has not been easy, though i do feel that people do not naturally care for others. we are nice people of course. and we do nice things and being polite to an extent of modesty. but trust? it's earned, and i had not been easy or open to it for a long time. my university life is coming to an end, though i have not collected the best ever uni experience i shall say, i had learned a lot as a person. i do question myself, whether this is how everyone eventually would be, or i am just taking the sidepath and being totally immature. existence. after all, it's the human experience that matters in the end.

do i still care? i do. but does anyone else care that i care? i doubt so.

ps. i should probably give my dearest ones some credits. i do do feel very fully loved with them in my heart. there are just lonely times that is hard to go through. that's all. in my life.

都忘了 是谁先开始放的手 感谢忙碌的生活 一段磨炼

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

because you will never be as good as the man in my head.
if you’re feeling frightened about what comes next, don’t be. embrace the uncertainty. allow it to lead you places. be brave as it challenges you to exercise both your heart and your mind as you create your own path towards happiness, don’t waste time with regret. spin wildly into your next action. enjoy the present, each moment, as it comes; because you’ll never get another one quite like it. and if you should ever look up and find yourself lost, simply take a breath and start over. retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. you’ll find your way again.

every day is an adventure to discovering the meaning of life. it is each little thing that you do everyday, whether it be spending time with your friends, running a cross-country race, orjust simply staring at the crashing ocean waves, that holds the key to discovering the meaning of life. i would rather be out enjoying these simple things than pondering them. we may never really discover the meaning of life, but the knowledge we gain in our quest to discover it is truly more valuable.


sleep deprivation

it's a terrible feeling to not be able to sleep at this hour. it's 5.30 in the morning. this really irregular sleeping hours had been going on for the past month. not like i can afford to lose so much of my time even though it is holiday. So many things to do and yet all left undone. there is pressure, fear and motivation all at the same time. yet i am still too wide awake and could only feel dead tired as the sun rises. why did this all happened.. maybe it started in early June when classes ended and I start losing all my grips. to have some self-discipline and take care of myself. it's true. Structure and routine can be very soothing. five months of that and I lose to temptations.

Thursday, 21 March 2013




i wish i have the power to switch the dark part off and
focus on all the important happy things that i have.

因为伤心也是一天, 开心也是一天, 别浪费生命, 在无谓的事务上。

Sunday, 17 March 2013


Build a schedule and follow it.
One thing at a time.
It is this simple.
Don't complicate life and everything can fall in place.
Right time right thing.
It is simple.
i can do it.
follow the steps.
knowing the direction and the steps.
all others would get on track.
in time.
love life.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

cry it all out.

things wouldn't get done by itself.
take action to do it.
make progress.

yes i cried it out tonight..
after talking to mummy..
it felt good..
really good..
i miss home..
homesick like never before..
like i just want to go home.
but i also know that going back there and lose the focus in life isn't really what i want.
i need the focus i have now.. all these work i am doing.. responsibility that i'm taking..
don get distracted with the imperfections..
roll on.. life is like this..
just get on..
with a smile
true from the heart.

fill the core

there is just so much under the covers
covers of lies
covers of smiles
covers of laughs
loves and regrets
hugs and kisses
hearts and misses
deep down in the core
there is just emptiness
until you fill it in.
life always always roll
things you want would always be more and more
though the most important
is actually at the heart

fulfill the core
true happiness
comes from within
fill with love
my family.
my career.
my friends
my relationships
my assets
my belongings

trouble and negatives comes along.
because for every up there is a down.
remember to hold on. to get through.
because there is a rainbow after the storm.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


i just feel very very messed up.
in this room again.
with all the dust floating around in the air.
save myself.
when you have a will
you will get what you want.

i want to go home.
hate that when i am free and desperate for family attention
is the time when noone is free

i feel so lonely tonight
like my world stops.
like nothing is important.
i want to be happy.
i know that.
even though
the past bring memories that couldn't be relived
the future bring uncertainty that can scare the hell out of me
the present with so much pending work and decisions is messing up my brain
the goal this year is ORGANIZED
be organized with the tasks
the thoughts
the dreams
the documents
the hard and soft copy
the heart
the brain
one step at a time
small and simple makes progress.

don't think. don't don't think.
just roll with the punches in life. in my brain. in my heart.
i can take care of myself.
been there done that.
it is part of growing up.
i can survive so many heartbreaking moments
of course i can get through this lonely night..
hold on to the thought.
only one thing at a time.
don't overdo. don't overthink.
keep the brain working. keep the things coming.
believe i can do it.
i will do it.
i do it.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

clean up the mess

i don want it to be like this
but adelaide has just became a land of tears.
bidding goodbye again and again
leaving me trying to survive here.
be strong
be tough
be secured.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Personal Goals

1. Creating passive income
2. Improve communication and decision making skills
3. Project for cultural awareness

Sunday, 6 January 2013
